
Retirement Housing Foundation
911 N Studebaker Rd
Long Beach, CA 90815
tel 562-257-5100

TDD: 1-800-545-1833 x359


Our Funds

Your gifts can be directed to a variety of RHF Charitable Foundation’s charitable funds:

  • Affordable Housing – Assists in the preservation, maintenance, and creation of affordable housing communities nationwide.
  • Resident Benevolence – Provides rent assistance and benevolence programs to RHF residents.
  • Toys for RHF Kids – Provides holiday toys to children living in RHF family communities.  Each holiday season, almost 1,700 toys and gift cards are distributed to children in RHF’s communities nationwide.
  • Youth Education Scholarships – Provides scholarships for books, school supplies, tuition, and tutoring services to the children and young adults residing in RHF family communities.
  • Project H.A.N.D.S.– Project “Helping Angels National Donated Support” provides RHF residents the opportunity to combine their crafting skills with their hearts by creating items to donate to local non-profit organizations assisting others in need.  This fund provides the supplies residents need to craft these items, such as yarn and sewing materials. With about 100 active Project H.A.N.D.S. groups, there are 30,000-40,000 handmade items produced and donated each year.

You can also designate your charitable gift to a specific RHF community if you choose. Your donation is deductible to the fullest extent of the law.


Retirement Housing Foundation
911 N Studebaker Rd
Long Beach, CA 90815
tel 562-257-5100

TDD: 1-800-545-1833 x359


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